Real World Experience, Not Rhetoric

Real World Experience, Not Rhetoric

Mike Walsh

District 35 Senate

In God’s country, we should all want to be successful and live under the freedoms afforded by the Constitution.

Service Disabled Veteran

About Me

Experience Matters

My adult life, since the age of 17, has been about service. I enlisted in the US Marine Corps at the age of 17 and spent the next 5 ½ years serving on active duty, including two deployments. I was in a very specialized field. I had to learn Russian and use it; I had to do physically demanding duties being in Radio Reconnaissance, and I had to obtain and keep a Top-Secret clearance- requiring me to live a life without blemish. I learned leadership and sacrifice, and earned a few awards along the way. I experienced a lot of the world and dealt with hardships- it made me a better person.

I haven’t just talked about life- I have lived it. I haven’t only been a voice- I have been a worker in the trenches.

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The Rapid City/Box Elder area is on the precipice of exponential growth. The combination of the expansion of Ellsworth Air Force Base and people moving here due to the benefits of living in South Dakota will provide opportunities for businesses, families, and the communities themselves. I intend to use my common-sense conservative values and my broad array of life experiences to help guide legislation that will benefit the citizens of District 35, the cities of Box Elder and Rapid City, and South Dakota.

My Achievements

Awards, Memberships & Education

Mike Walsh

Our Priorities

Economic Growth

The number one priority for this area is the economic growth that will be occurring, and the peripheral issues and opportunities that come with that growth. Having been involved in leadership in several organizations, I will work to enact legislation that will enable those things. The most important topic for the citizens is taking care of their families; taxes, inflation, supply and demand- all of those things affect families’ bottom lines.

Ellsworth Air Force Base

Working in coordination with Ellsworth Air Force Base over the next few years is vital. I intend to be the voice in Pierre that supports the Base and the surrounding communities. The Air Force is investing in our area; we need to be great partners with it.

Public Safety

Having spent an entire career in criminal justice, I believe I bring a perspective that knows what works- and what doesn’t. I intend to not only bring bills which will enhance public safety, but also work with other legislators on their bills to make sure it does what is intended. Most importantly- to do these things in a manner which makes sense economically.

Economic Growth

The number one priority for this area is the economic growth that will be occurring, and the peripheral issues and opportunities that come with that growth. Having been involved in leadership in several organizations, I will work to enact legislation that will enable those things. The most important topic for the citizens is taking care of their families; taxes, inflation, supply and demand- all of those things affect families’ bottom lines.

Ellsworth Air Force Base

Working in coordination with Ellsworth Air Force Base over the next few years is vital. I intend to be the voice in Pierre that supports the Base and the surrounding communities. The Air Force is investing in our area; we need to be great partners with it.

Public Safety

Having spent an entire career in criminal justice, I believe I bring a perspective that knows what works- and what doesn’t. I intend to not only bring bills which will enhance public safety, but also work with other legislators on their bills to make sure it does what is intended. Most importantly- to do these things in a manner which makes sense economically.